Changes in season 2025
As the 2025 season is looming on the horizon, so are changes to the structure of Søllerød Gold Diggers.
First, we’d like to extent a deeply heartfelt thank you to Logan Dykstra for his incredible contribution to SGD. His dedication and commitment to our club is unmatched, both as a player, head coach and sports director. Not only did he work tirelessly, night and day, to continuously keep SGD on the map, and make every single player feel seen, he also dedicated himself to Danish American football through the National team, first as assistant coach and then in the end as defensive coordinator.
From day one, Logan brought a professional approach and left a positive impact on everyone he crossed paths with. A lasting impact, that will continue to make ripples throughout the organization.
While the ultimate goal of a senior championship ring remained elusive, Logan led the club to 3 Mermaid Bowls & 2 Junior Bowls, and led the National players in several remarkable international games.
Thank you, Logan, for guiding our club through challenging times, leaving behind a strong foundation and a culture that will inspire us tremendously moving forward. We are forever grateful to you, and you are already missed on the field and in the entire Rundforbi community
With Logan’s return to the States, we have also welcomed a new Sports Director - Troels Kristensen. Troels is already working hard, to continue building on and improving the foundation for SGD. Thank you Troels, for taking on the huge responsibility that goes with the title.
This also leaves space for a new head coach to our senior team - stay tuned for the upcoming introduction on January 19th, as we reveal the HC and his supporting team coaches for the 2025 season!
Last but not least, there will be changes to the board. New members have joined, old members have said goodbye. Thank you all for your volunteer effort. Information about these changes and introductions will happen once all the formalities are in order.
All there’s left to say, is have a wonderful 2025 season! We are looking forward to seeing where it’ll take us!