SGD Signs Experienced Athlete and Coach

It’s with great pleasure, that we can announce we’ve signed a deal with Eddie Jewel.

Eddie comes with great experience both as a player and coach, and we’ve seen a perfect fit for him in our organization. He will be contributing as a coach in our U16 and U19 program, and as a player on our elite team.
His CV as a coach, includes experience as a High School head coach, coordinator and position coach.
On the field Eddie is a Swiss army knife, being able to play both DB/LB/WR/RB/QB.

“For me, Denmark is one the top countries in the world to play football. SGD has proved they’re an amazing organization with great history. I am very excited to help them coach the future generations and get back on the path to wining another national championship!” - Eddie Jewel.

We’re excited about this addition, and we’re looking forward to welcome Eddie in Copenhagen shortly.
We hope you’ll receive him well when you run into him at the facilities, and cheer him on when the season starts!

2xCM er igen i 2020 på trøjen!

2xCM Holding A/S var på trøjerne da U19 sikrede DM guld! - Photo af MM Photography

2xCM vil igen i 2020 være at finde på klubbens trøjer på NL, U19 og U16. 2xCM er en yderst passioneret sponsor, der altid er at finde til klubbens kampe på tværs af holdende.

“Vi er glade og stolte over, at vi formår at skabe kontinuitet omkring vores sponsorer, og at fastholde 2xCM i sponsorgruppen er noget der gavner på tværs af hele klubben. At have en sponsor, som er så passioneret og engageret i klubbens foretagener er sjældent, og vi håber at samarbejdet kommer til at vare mange år fremad.” - Udtaler sportsdirektør Casper Reinhardt.

2xCM Holding A/S beskæftiger sig til dagligt primært med udlejning af ejendomme, og vi vil gerne byde dem varmt velkommen i familien. Deres logo vil være at finde på uniformerne for U16 og U19, samt på både ude og hjemmebanetrøjerne for klubbens førstehold i National Ligaen.

Vi glæder os meget til en fantastisk sæson, og håber I vil byde dem varmt velkommen.

Import News: SGD Signs Talented Defensive Lineman

Photo from University of Sioux Falls, background photo by MM Photography

It’s with big satisfaction, that we can present our newest addition for the 2020 season.

Logan Dykstra will be joining the team, and the defensive lineman from University of Sioux Falls is excited.
”After taking the time to speak with some of the coaching staff, as well as with the athletic director Casper Reinhardt, I am proud to say that I am officially a Gold Digger! Continuing my football career after playing at the University of Sioux Falls in America, was something that was important to me. I chose to join this team because I have the utmost confidence, that I am going to be surrounded by a great group of teammates and staff. I couldn’t be more thankful for this opportunity, and I can’t wait to experience the people and culture of Denmark, all while winning football games along the way. Go Gold Diggers!“ - Logan Dykstra, DL.

Logan is a 23 year old, humble and dedicated, young man from Hull, Iowa. He was a four-sport athlete at Boyden-Hull HS and competed in Football, Baseball, Wrestling and Track & Field for the Nighthawks. He is a versatile athlete on the gridiron and has suited up at linebacker, guard, tackle, quarterback, defensive end, wide receiver, fullback and halfback. He was a Minnesota All-Conference 1st team honoree as a senior and also received the Nighthawks’ defensive MVP award. Furthermore, he was tabbed Mr. Hustle and Love of the Game awardee.

At University of Sioux Falls, Logan was a captain and selected as nominee to the Allstate and AFCA All Good Works Team for 2018. He has received multiple performance based awards, and we’re confident that he can transfer this to our organization in 2020.

Outside football, Logan is the son of Lon and Varya Dykstra. He has two siblings, Mason and Gavin, and he enjoys volunteering as a coach. Therefore, Logan will have more than plenty of opportunities to contribute to the SGD family, as he’ll be taking on an assistant coach role for U10-U12 and U14. Furthermore, for members, he’ll be conducting weekly training sessions, focusing on speed, agility, ball skills and lifting.

“I believe we’ve been very lucky to get in contact with Logan. From his first interview, and all the way through the process, he has been extremely professional and calm, while not being afraid to get familiar with both JC, Troels and myself. I appreciate a guy, who’s confident enough to be himself, and not afraid to ask questions about the country, the culture and the team. I’m confident, that our organization will feel his presence here, and that he’s going to do everything he can to help everyone from the U10 to the NL to get better.” - Casper Reinhardt, Athletic Director.

We’re excited to welcome Logan to our family, and we hope that you’ll welcome him, when he makes his debut in April!

ZigNatur forlænger med SGD!

Det er med stor glæde at vi kan melde at ZigNatur har forlænget samarbejdet med SGD for 2020.

ZigNatur indtrådte i 2019 blandt SGD’s sponsorer, med støtte til klubbens elite.
ZigNatur er teamtræning og ledertræning der handler om handling, process og udvikling.
ZigNaturs styrke er at overføre hverdagens problemstillinger til øvelser og opgaver i naturen, hvis konsekvens efterfølgende sammenlignes med dagligdagens arbejdssituationer. Har man forstået den individuelle og kollektive adfærd, er kimen lagt til udvikling og varige resultater. Dette gør sig også gældende på footballbanen hvor den kollektive adfærd er kritisk for holdets resultater.

Vil du vide mere om ZigNatur, så læs mere på eller kontakt dem og hør hvad de kan gøre for netop din virksomhed.

Vi glæder os til endnu en fantastisk sæson med ZigNatur.