SGD Signs New Quarterback for the 2021 Season!

Aaron Adriaan Ellis will be suiting up in black and gold in 2021. Photo by 1st Down Photo.

Aaron Adriaan Ellis will be suiting up in black and gold in 2021. Photo by 1st Down Photo.

It’s with great pleasure that we can already announce the National League quarterback for the Søllerød Gold Diggers in 2021.

We’ve chosen to hire Aaron Adriaan Ellis, who most formerly played for the Ostrava Steelers in the Czech Republic. Before that he was under contract with the Frederikssund Oaks in Denmark.

Aaron played college football at the University of St. Francis, and is now once again looking to make an impact on the Danish National League.


“I'm excited to return to Denmark, this time as part of the Gold Diggers family. We are going to build something special in Søllerød!” - Aaron Adriaan Ellis.

“We’re excited to sign Aaron, who’ve been on our radar ever since we first saw him play in Denmark. Aaron is a very talented coach who’s going to help our junior program, and he brings leadership and competitiveness to our young group of talented players. We’re very excited to see him in black and gold in 2021.” - Casper Reinhardt, Athletic Director.

Aaron replaces Tanner Gueller, who’ve chosen to take a Football Graduate Assistant role at Idaho University, to start his coaching career in the US. We want to wish Tanner all the best in his future career, and we thank him for the time he spent being a part of the SGD Family.

Karin Nyholm Jensen signer til endnu et år som U14 Head Coach

Vi er glade for at kunne fortælle, at Karin Nyholm forlænger som Head Coach for U14 holdet.
Karin var HC for U14 i 2020, og har været en vigtig del for kontinuiteten i ungdomsafdelingen. Udover at have et godt forhold til sine spillere, formår hun at skabe et stærkt samarbejde med forældre og frivillige i klubben.

Man kan tale længe om Karins egenskaber som coach og leder, men noget af det vi sætter mest pris på i klubben, er hendes smittende positivitet og opmuntrende humør. Hun har mindsettet ”Der er et problem - jeg fixer det”, som bl.a. har kunne ses, ved hendes hårde slid med at bidrage til medlemsvækst og forbedring af klubbens faciliteter.

Vi er lettede over at vi i endnu et år, får en dygtig træner på et af vores ungdomshold, som er med til at skabe en god kultur i klubben.

Ny Head Coach for U16 holdet

Vi kan med stolthed fortællle, at Head Coach for U19-holdet Jan Hamburger fremover både vil være Head coach for U19- og U16-holdet.
Jan har udtalt på sin Facebook: ”Stay the same or be a part of something bigger that starts with “we” and not “I”. One thing is for sure now is not the time to quit.”

Jan Hamburger har været i klubben i 4 år og har haft stor succes. Han overtog U19 tilbage i år 2016 og har siden da vundet 3 mesterskaber med holdet.
Det er ikke tilfældigt, at det er Jan, der kommer til at træne U16 holdet. Han har vist i sine mange år i dansk amerikansk fodbold, at han besidder evnen til at udvikle talentfulde spillere. Vi forventer et U16 hold der kommer til at være spækket med talent. At være Head Coach for både U16 og U19 er kæmpe opgave, men vi er sikre på, at hvis der er nogen der kan håndtere opgaven, er det ham.

Yderligere offentliggørelse af kommende 2 assistant head coaches, 6 coordinaters og andre assistant coaches følger.

Vi kan i hvert fald ikke vente til sæsonen starter i 2021!

How Our Imports Are Managing During Covid-19.

Photo from University of Sioux Falls

Photo from University of Sioux Falls

Covid-19 has presented a litany of challenges, and one of those challenges for our players has been the fact that it has forced them to adapt their training regimen. Gym closures and social distancing restrictions have resulted in players having to rely on their own creativity when trying to find the best ways to stay in shape for the much anticipated and upcoming season. While the Gold Diggers are slowly starting to return to normal training, our American imports are still having to overcome restrictions back in the states while we await their arrival. 

In order to learn a bit more about how some of those players have adapted to the ongoing changes we took the time to sit down with Logan Dykstra, one of our American imports from Hull, Iowa. Logan is a versatile defensive lineman that has maintained an enthusiasm for training while trying to navigate the challenges associated with Covid-19. Shortly after the lockdown, Logan was able to piece together a small gym in his garage with some weights that he had in his basement. In addition to that, he took advantage of a grass field in his backyard and continued running and lifting with his younger brother who is also preparing for his own upcoming football season. He understands that being physically prepared for the season is an essential step in ensuring that he will be able to help the Gold Diggers achieve success, and for that reason he took it upon himself to find ways to accomplish that goal.

As time passes and we continue to see changes that signify that we are slowly returning to normal Logan’s enthusiasm for training has been steadily increasing. Only recently Logan’s gym has reopened, and after training in the freezing cold garage and running in his backyard through rain and snow for months, he is ecstatic to return to a normal gym. He has constantly been driven to arrive in the best shape that he has ever been in as a football player, and the steady return to normal life has helped him to do so. When asked about his thoughts on how Covid-19 has affected the season and his training he admits that, “While it certainly has been a sad and frustrating situation, it has helped him to appreciate what he has been missing out on over the past few months.”  

Since signing with the Gold Diggers in February, he has been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to join the team in person and says, “I am super excited to join the team and to start learning from the players and coaches. In the future I want to have a career in coaching, and I know that this will be a valuable learning experience! I know that it is only a matter of time before I am able to join the team, and as time passes, my excitement only continues to grow!”

During the lockdown, he has had the opportunity to get to know his future teammates/coaches through various Zoom meetings and workouts. Those interactions have helped him to fall in love with the SGD culture and he hopes to build upon that culture when he arrives. “I have high expectations for the team this year, and I really believe that we will achieve something great this year. I am extremely excited for those upcoming successes this year and I can’t wait to share those successes with the team and the community. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Rundforbi! Go Gold Diggers!”

As the Gold Digger’s move forward with our preparations for our third Mermaid Bowl, we are excited to be back on the field practicing and returning to some normalcy. In the meantime, we eagerly await the arrival of Logan and our other American imports. We wish nothing but the best for all of our players, coaches, and fans, and we look forward to your continued support for the upcoming season! Go Gold Diggers Go!

SGD Signs Top Quarterback

Tanner Gueller in action for Idaho State University.

It’s with great honor, and huge excitement, that we can announce that we earlier this year managed to reach an agreement for 2020 with Tanner Gueller.

Tanner is a former quarterback at Idaho State University, where he was a big part of turning the program around. In 2019 the 191cm tall and 104kg QB, was a graduate assistant for the program, and in 2020 he’ll be in black and gold as quarterback, assistant offensive coordinator and junior coach.
After he finished his collegiate career, he chose to stay back as a GA, as his brother had one year left of eligibility.

“I’m extremely proud that we’ve managed to close a deal with Tanner. I’ve come to know Tanner very well, and he’s a player, coach and person who’s going to lift our whole organization. His drive, passion and love for the game, is something we look for in our imports, and Tanner will be a great addition to this years group.” - Casper Reinhardt, Athletic Director.

In 2019 Tanner had both NFL and CFL interest, but actually thought he was done playing. But 2020 is a new year, and Tanner is looking to win a championship:

“I am extremely excited and honored for this opportunity that Casper, Coach Troels, and the entire organization have presented to me. The sport of football is my passion, and I look forward to sharing that passion with not only our NL team but our junior teams as well. I couldn’t be more excited to get over there and compete with you all on the journey toward championships!“ - Tanner Gueller.

We hope you will receive Tanner with usual excitement. Welcome to our family!