SGD Signs Taylor Ekstrom

Taylor Ekstrom against the Triangle Razorbacks in 2019.

Taylor Ekstrom against the Triangle Razorbacks in 2019.

It’s with great pleasure that we wanna welcome our newest addition to the team, Taylor Ekstrom.
Taylor plays WR, and have already proved himself in Europe in 2019, when he played for the Badalona Drags in Spain.

Here Taylor had the honor of playing our rivals the Triangle Razorbacks in an European matchup, where he put on a show when the Spanish champions left Denmark with a win.

“We’ve been keeping an eye out for Taylor ever since we saw him perform in Denmark back in 2019. Signing him fills the big gap left by Thomas Ashworth (who received a scholarship to play college football in the states), and we’re looking forward to see him on the field. We consider signing him a bit of a scoop.” - Head Coach Troels Vestergaard.

We encourage all our members and fans to welcome Taylor here in Denmark, and hope that he’ll have the chance to put on a show on the field, and teach the kids much about football on our U10-12-14 team were he will be coaching.

Velkommen til WC Brügge som ny sponsor!

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Med stor glæde vil vi gerne byde WC Brügge ApS velkommen blandt vores sponsorer i 2021. WC Brügge har valgt at støtte klubben, I en tid hvor det ikke er nemt at finde støtte. Det værdsætter vi rigtig meget!

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Vi glæder os til et godt år med jer på holdet.

Neugebauer Clan Advokater ny sponsor i SGD


Vi starter året med en god nyhed. Neugebauer Clan Advokater er nyeste skud på stammen blandt sponsore i klubben, og vi er utroligt glade og stolte over at have fået dem med om bord.

Neugebauer Clan Advokater er højt specialiseret indenfor, og beskæftiger sig med, alle aspekter af forsikring, erstatning, procedure, liv & pension samt IP og media & entertainment. Så skulle du stå og mangle juridisk hjælp, så kan vi klart anbefale at I kigger i deres retning.

Vi håber meget at se NCLaw til vores hjemmekampe i 2021, hvor vi håber at medlemmer såvel som fans vil tage godt imod dem.

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Came to Stay - Important Piece to the Squad!

Team Spain in Denmark 2020 // Pablo de Diego - Luis de las Heras - Adrià Botella. Photo by 1st Down Photo.

Team Spain in Denmark 2020 // Pablo de Diego - Luis de las Heras - Adrià Botella. Photo by 1st Down Photo.

It’s with great excitement that we can announce that Luis de las Heras has extended his contract for the 2021 season. Luis has settled down in Denmark more permanently and has found a full time position that he can occupy on the side of football.

“We’re beyond blessed to have the opportunity to keep Luis in our organization. Luis brings high energy, spirit and attitude to our club, all values that we seek in our players and coaches. Not only is Luis one of the hardest working players I’ve met in my life, he’s also extremely valued by the youth, and I’m excited to give him a bigger role in our youth program.” - Casper Reinhardt, Athletic Director.

Luis has had an interesting journey, originally coming from Mexico to play and coach football in Europe. He landed with Coslada in Madrid, where he saw opportunity to mix the Spanish and Finish season, playing in the fall for Kotka Eagles in Finland. As the pandemic broke out, the Spanish season was cancelled, and Luis saw his chance to move to Denmark and join the Søllerød Gold Diggers.

“I’ve chosen to stay in Denmark, because the Gold Diggers is a good organization with history and they hold an impressive organization who supports the members. The staff and the players here really became a new family to me in Denmark and I'm lucky to have met all of them.” - Luis de las Heras.


Luis is an excellent profile, always helping out where help is needed.

Next year Luis will continue as a player on the NL squad, while taking on the role as offensive coordinator for our talented U19 program. Luis has shown a great interest for the game, and his big role breaking down film and game planning on the NL offense, has proved he holds the ability to take charge with the next generation of players for SGD.

“I'm looking forward to the upcoming season, as I’m on a team with one goal, to bring the championship back to Søllerød. Last season we didn't have that opportunity to finish what we started because of the pandemic, but we have a huge chance to finish what what we set out for in the coming season.” - Luis de las Heras

We want to encourage everyone to welcome Luis back, and offer your help with integration into the Danish society. We’ve found someone special, and we know that he’ll be in good hands in the SGD Family.

Photo by 1st Down Photo

Photo by 1st Down Photo

The Captain will Return in 2021!

The 2020 captains taking the field against the Copenhagen Towers. Photo by 1st Down Photo.

The 2020 captains taking the field against the Copenhagen Towers. Photo by 1st Down Photo.

“When we evaluated in August, we already knew that he belonged here. He had taken the whole organization with storm, and fully bought into what we wanna do as a club. Terrific guy, I’m looking forward to having him back” - Troels Vestergaard, NL Head Coach.

It’s with great pleasure that we can announce that we’ve resigned Logan Dykstra, to rejoin our organization in 2021. Logan will take on the role as U16 assistant head coach in the newly created U16/U19 coaching concept. Furthermore, Logan is going to rejoin his team mates as a player on the NL squad, hoping to claim the title he felt like was taken away from them in 2020:


“I couldn’t be more excited to get back to Denmark. There are too many great people, players, and coaches to pass up the opportunity to come back for a full season. We started to build some positive things within the club and I’m thankful to be able to continue building up the club!”

“We’re blessed to have Logan back in 2021, and the energy that he brings to the whole organization from U10 to seniors, is very rare. I’m very excited to see where he can take our U16 program together with Jan Hamburger, and by adding Logan to the squad I believe we’re giving our kids some of the best available coaching in all of Denmark. With Logan back, we securing continuity in our program, something we’ve been looking for for a while. Now we’ve found it and I’m beyond excited!” - Casper Reinhardt, Athletic Director.