Taylor Ekstrom against the Triangle Razorbacks in 2019.
It’s with great pleasure that we wanna welcome our newest addition to the team, Taylor Ekstrom.
Taylor plays WR, and have already proved himself in Europe in 2019, when he played for the Badalona Drags in Spain.
Here Taylor had the honor of playing our rivals the Triangle Razorbacks in an European matchup, where he put on a show when the Spanish champions left Denmark with a win.
“We’ve been keeping an eye out for Taylor ever since we saw him perform in Denmark back in 2019. Signing him fills the big gap left by Thomas Ashworth (who received a scholarship to play college football in the states), and we’re looking forward to see him on the field. We consider signing him a bit of a scoop.” - Head Coach Troels Vestergaard.
We encourage all our members and fans to welcome Taylor here in Denmark, and hope that he’ll have the chance to put on a show on the field, and teach the kids much about football on our U10-12-14 team were he will be coaching.